An Application of Polymorphism
JSON - Reminder
JSON is [mostly] used to communicate betweent programming languages
Consist of 6 types
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- Null
In Python
- json.dumps to convert from Python types to JSON string
- json.loads to convert from JSON string to Python types
In JavaScript
- JSON.stringify to convert from JavaScript types to JSON string
- JSON.parse to convert from JSON string to JavaScript types
- What about Scala?
{“timestamp”:1550774961,”message”:”success”,”iss_position”:{“latitude”:”-36.5017”,”longitude”:”-2.8015}} - This is valid JSON
- What Scala type do we use to store this data?
- Map[String, String]?
- Map[String, Long]?
- Map[String, Map[String, String]]?
- Map[String, Any]?? <- This is the only one that can work, but it’s very restrictive since we can only use the Any methods.
- We can’t mix types in our Scala data structures
- .. at least, not without polymorphism
JSON - Library
- We’ll install a library to help us work with JSON in Scala
- The Play JSON library
- Library defines these Scala types
- JsString
- JsNumber
- JsBoolean
- JsArray
- JsObject
- JsNull
- All these types extend JsValue
- Map[String, JsValue]
- The library parses JSON strings and converts all values into one of the Js_types
- Convert value to their Scala types as needed
Reading JSON
1 | import play.api.libs.{JsValue, Json} |
- Use the library to extract specific values
- Call Json.parse
- Parse the JSON string and converts it to a JsValue
- Extract values at specific keys
- Use \ to get the value at a key as a JsValue
- Use as[type] to convert the value to the type you expect, cannot use your custom types without defining how to parse your type
Writing JSON
1 | def createJSON(message: String, timestamp: Long, location: Location): String = { |
- Convert Scala types to JsValue with Json.toJson
- Cannot use your custom types without defying how to convert your type
- Call Json.stringify to convert a type to a JSON string
- Can be any types known to the library(Most of the common Scala types)
- We’re using a new library
- Must download it before use
- Add it to our Maven file
19<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0">
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scalatest/scalatest -->
</project> - This is our current Maven file that we used to download scalatest
- We can add more dependancies to this file
- Open the Maven sidebal, refresh, then download the new libraries
- Find new libraries at https://mvnrepository.com
- An enrmous wealth of shared libraries
- Search for the new liraries, paste the dependency into you pom.xml file
Lecture Question
Question: In a package named “oop.json” create and complete the “Store” class which is stared below
asJSON returns a JSON string representing an object with keys “cashInRegister” and “inventory” mapping to the values from the two state variables with the same names
fromJSON takes a JSON string in the same format returned from asJSON and sets the state variables to the values from the JSON string
1 | package opp.json |
1 | package tests |