Merge Sort / Recursion
Taco Tuesday!!!
Runtime Analysis
- Last time we said Selection sort is inefficient
- Let’s be more specific
- We’ll measure the asymptotic runtime of the algorithm
- Often use big-O notation
- Count the number of “steps” the algorithm take
- A step is typically a basic operation (+, -, &&, etc)
- Asymptotic runtime
- Measures the order of magnitude of the runtime in relation to the size of the input
- Name the input size n
- For sorting - Size of the input is the number of values in the data structure
- Ignore constants
- Ex. Runtime of O(n) grows linearly with the size of the input
Selection Sort - Runtime
- Abridged runtime analysis
1 | def selectionSort[T](inputData: List[t], comparator: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = { |
- Outer loop runs once for each index
- Runs O(n) times
- Inner loop runs once for each index from i to the end of the list
- Runs for each iteration of the outer loop with a wrost case of O(n)
- Run O(n) iterations O(n) times results in an O(n^2) total runtime
- We reach O(n^3) since apply takes O(n)
- More deatails next week
- More Mathematical analysis
- Inner loop runs Σi times where i ranges from n to 1
- n + n-1 + n-2 + … + 2 + 1 = (n^2)/2 + n/2
- For asymptotic we only consider the highest order term and ignore constant multipliers
- Therefore (n^2)/2 + n/2 is O(n^2)
- Selection Sort has O(n^2) runtime
Merge Sort
- We briefly saw in CSE115 that we can do better by using merge sort and reaching O(n log(n)) runtime
- Let’s analyze this in more depth
- The algorithm
- If the input list has 1 element
- Return it (It’s already sorted)
- Else
- Divide the input list in two halves
- Recursively call merge sort on each half (Repeats until the lists are size 1)
- Merge the two sorted lists together into a single sorted list
- If the input list has 1 element
1 | def mergeSort[T](inputData: List[T], comparator: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = { |
Merge Sort - Runtime
- Each level of the recursion has 2^i list of size n/2^i
- Recursion end when is n/2^i == 1
- i = log(n)
- log(n) levels of recursion
- Each level needs to merge a total of n elements across all sub-lists
- If we can merge in O(n) time we’ll have O(n log(n)) total runtime
- Merge two sorted lists in O(n) time
- Take advantage of each list being sorted
- Start with pointers at the beginning of each list
- Compare the two values at the pointers and find which come first based on the comparator
- Append it to a new list and advance that pointer
- When a pointer reaches the end of a list copy the rest of the contents
Merge Sort - Merge
1 | def merge[T](left: List[T], right: List[T], comparator: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = { |
1 | def noVarMerge[T](left: List[T], right: List[T], comparator: (T, T) => Boolean):List[T] = { |
- Rewrite merge without using var
- Need to add elements to a List which requires reassignment
- Avoid by using recursion
- Each “reassignment” is made by creating a new stack frame with the new value stored in a parameter
Writing Recursive Methods
- Suggested apporach:
- Assume your recursive calls return the correct values
- Write your method basedf on this assumption
- Add a base case(s) for an input that has a tirvial return
- Only write recursive calls that get closer to base case
1 | def mergeSort[T](inputData: List[T], comparator: (T, T) => Boolean): List[T] = { |
- Assume your recursive calls return the correct values
- Write you method based on this assumption
- The primary benefit of writing recursive methods / fuinctions is that we can assume that the recursive calls are correct
- If these calls are not correct, we have work to do elsewhere
- While writing the top level functionality, assume they are correct and fix the other issues if they are not
- Add a base case(s) for an input that has a trivial return value
- A simple input where the return value is trivial
- Ex. An empty list, an empty String, 0, 1
- Add a conditional to your method to check for the base case(s)
- If the input is a base case, return the trivial solution
- Else, run your code that makes the recursive call(s)
- Ensure your recursive calls always get closer to a base case]
- Base case is eventually reached and returned
- Ex. Base case is 0, each recursive call decrease the input
- Ex. Base case is empty String and an each recursive call removes a character from the input
- If youre recursive calls don’t reach base case
- Infinite recursion
- Stack overflow
Lecture Question
No state is allowed in this question. Specifically, the keyword “var” is banned. (ie. You are expected to use a recursive solution)
In a package named “functions” create an object named Numbers with a method named fib that:
- Takes an Int as a parameter and returns the nth fibonacci number
- Fibonacci numbers are equal to the sum of the previous two fibonacci numbers starting with 1 and 1 as the first two numbers in the sequence
- Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…
- fib(1) == 1
- fib(2) == 1
- fib(3) == 2
- fib(4) == 3
- Your method will not be tested with inputs < 1
- Your method will not be tested with inputs > 46
In a package named “tests” create a class named “TestFib” as a test suite that tests all the functionality listed above. (Do not test with inputs < 1 or > 46)
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