1 | def computeGeometricSum(n: Int): Int = { |
- Computes the geometric sum of the input
- Ex: if n == 3, geometric sum is 3+2+1 == 6
- Base Case:
- An input with a trivial output
- Geometric sum of 0 is defined as 0
- We could also add 1 -> 1 as a base case
- Recursive Step:
- Any input that is not a base case will put another recursive call on the stack
- Write the recursive step with the assumption that the recursive call will return the correct value
- Recursive calls must get closer to the base case
- All calls must eventually reach a base case or we’ll go infinite
- n-1 is closer to n <= 0 than n
- Regardless of the original value of n, it will eventually be decremented util the base case condition is true
Anagrams Revisited
Check the example below :)
Anagrams Example
1 | def anagrams(input: String): List[String] = { |
- Recall anagrams
- Rewrittrn to use functional programming and no vars
- The syntax may not fully make sense until the next Functional Programming lecture
- Base Case
- A String of length 1 is itself its only anagram
- If the length is 1, return a new list containing only that String
- Base Case Note
- We will eventually return a list containing all anagrams from the top level call
- The base case is the only time we create a new List
- Recursive Step
- For each character in the input String
- Remove that character and make a recursive call with the remaining characters
- Append the removed character to all returned anagrams
- We write this code with the assumption that our recursive calls will return all the anagrams of the new Strings
- If our logic is sound, this assumption will be true through the power of recursion
- For each character in the input String
- Always reach a base case
- We always make recursive calls on the input String with 1 character removed
- newString.length == input.length - 1
- This always gets us closer to the base case
- When the base case is reached and returned, our logic starts working for us
- If this code does append the removed character to each returned anagram, output is generaterd starting at the base case and built up as the stack frames return
- We always make recursive calls on the input String with 1 character removed
- Functional Programming notes (More detail Later)
- yield: Creates a data structure containing the last expression that was evaluated on each iteration of a loop
- map: Creates a new data structure by applying a function to each element
- The _ is shorthand syntax we can use instead of naming the parameters of a function when the types can be inferredm and each input is only used once
- Scala data structures come with many helpful FP style
- Flatten: Creates a single List from a List of Lists containing all the elements from each List
- Distinct: Creates a new List with all duplicate values removed
- Example: - input = "at" - Make 2 recursive calls to the base case - "a" and "t" are returned - Append "t" to "a" and "a" to "t" (The removed characters) - Return ["at", "ta"] to thr next recursive call with an input of length 2
Anagrams in the Debugger
——-Check the Lecture Recording———-
Lecturn Question
No state is allowed in this question. Specifically, the keyword “var” is banned. (ie. You are expected to use a recursive solution)
In a package named “functions” create an object named “Algebra” with a method named “factor” that takes an Int as a parameters and returns the prime factorization of that parameter as a List of Ints.
The following apply to this method:
- If the input is negative, 0, or 1, return an empty list
- Do not include 1 in the output for any inputs
- The order of the factors in the output List is undefined
Example: functions.Algebra.factor(12) can return List(2,2,3) -or- List(2,3,2) -or- List(3,2,2)
Hint: You can use a return statement inside a loop once a factor is found.
Unit Testing:
Testing will not be checked by AutoLab since you’ve already written the tests for this problem. Use your tests from the last time we had this question to help your debugging process.