It has cycle, so you know: tree + cycle :/
Data Structures: Review
- Sequential Data Structures
- Elements stored in a specific order
- Ex: Array, List
- Key-Value Store
- Stores pairs of elements with no particular order
- Each key is associated with one value
- Ex: Map, Dictionary, Object
- Tree
- Non-linear structure
- Each element can be associated with multiple other elements
Data Structures
- How do we store datat with multiple interconnected associations?
- A [station, intersection, city] can have multiple connections
- Let’s use trees
- Start with UCLA as the root
- Recursively add all chidden
- Oops
- We have duplicates in our data structure [See the video]
- Let’s try again
- When we try to add a duplicate, add a reference to the existing node
- This is a graph [See the video]
- Similar to a tree, except cycles are allowed
- Cycle: Can “travel” from a node back to itself without backtracking
- Because of the cycles, our tree traversals will get stuck in infinite recursion
- No leaves to terminate the recursion
- We’ll need a new way of representing this datat structure and new algorithms to work with the data
- Store the nodes and edges
Graphs - Nodes and Edges
- Node: Each data element is stored in a node, similar to linked lists and trees
- Edge: A connection between two nodes
Graphs - Adjacency List
- A map of nodes to all nodes connected to it through an edge
- This is how we’ll represnet graphs
- When creating a graph, we’ll assign each node a unique ID as a Int
- Allows nodes with identical vlaues, but different IDs
1 | class Graph[A] { |
- IDs fir each node are arbitray as long as they are unique
- Methods will work with IDs
- Values are only accessed when needed
1 | class Graph[A] { |
1 | object GraphExample { |
- A path is a sequence of nodes where each pair of adjacent nodes are connected by an edge
- [“UCLA”, “SRI”, “UTAH”, “MIT”, “BBN”, “RAND”] is a path in this graph
- [“SRI”, “UTAH”, “BBN”] is not a path since UTAH and BBN are not connected by an edge
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Connected Component
- This graph is connected
- There exists a path between any 2 nodes in the graph
- What if a few connections are broken?
- How can we tell if tweo nodes are connected?
- We could verify manually for this graph
- But the Internet has gotten a little bigger over time
- Need to code an algorithm to solve this for us
- The Algotithm: Breath-First Search (BFS)
- Choose a starting node
- Continuously explore connected nodes
- Chooses a starting node
- Explore all nodes connected to the striating node
- Repeat until no new nodes are added
- Never visit a node twice
- Use a queue to track the order of nodes to visit
- Start with starting node in the queue
- When visiting a node, add all unexplored neighbors to the queue
- Visit neighbors of the node at the front of the queue until the queue is empty
1 | def bfs[A](graph: Graph[A], startID: Int): Unit = { |
- If you start at nodeA and explore nodeB during the algorithm
- nodeA and nodeB are connected
- For the lecture question and last HW you’ll need to modify / expand the provided BFS code
Lecture Question
Determine if two nodes connected
- In the week9.Graph class link to example repo
- Write a method named areConnected that takes two node indices (Ints) and determines if the two nodes are connected in the graph
- Return true if they are connected, false if they are not
In a package named “tests” create a class named “TestConnected” as a test suite that tests the functionality listed above
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