Concurrency and Actors
new chapter :)
- Most programs we’ve written execute code sequentially
- Each statement of code is executed in the order they are written
- Can have control flow to decide which statements are executed and in which order
- What if we want multiple pieces of code to execute at the same time?
- We’ve written 2 types of concurrent software already
- In CSE115, you wrote a web server
- What if 2 users are visiting your site at the same time?
- Server waits for requests and handles them as they are recevied
- You provide callback functions that are called when a request arrives
- In CSE116, we saw GUIs on each HW assignment
- GUI runs an update loop to display the current state of the software
- GUI simultaneously listens for user inputs
- You provide listener classes with a method that is called when the user takes an action
- For both web servers and GUIs
- We used libraries that hid the concurrency
- What if we want to write concurrent code that is not part of a web server or GUI?
- We’ll see how to write concurrent programs using actors
Concurrency - Actors
- Receving a message is an event
- Event-Based Architecture
- Write code that is executed when an event occurs
- Create events that cause code to run
Case Class / Object
- Case class
- A different type of class in Scala
- Primarily used to store values provided through its constructor
- Typically have no body
- Are compared by value, not reference
- Case object
- Used when no values are store (no constructor)
- Can be used to signal that an event has occured
1 | case class BuyEquipment(equipmentID: String) |
Concurrency - Actors
- To define an Actor
- Extend the Actor class
- Implement the receive method to define how the Actor responds to different message types
11import akka.actor._
case object CustomMessageType
case class AnotherMessageType(message: String)
class MyActor extends Actor {
def receive: Recevie = {
case CustomMessageType => // do somethong
case received: AnotherMessageType => received.message // do something
- Messages are instances of case classes or case objects
- Use a case statement to make decisions based on the type of the message
- If the message is a case class, declare a variable to access its values
- Create an actor and add it to actor system
- The actor is now running concurrently with your program
- Send messages using the ! method
1 | object CounterTest extends App { |
- Cannot create an Actor using the new keyword
- Use Props (part of the Akka library) and pass the class as an argument
val actor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor]))
- If your Actor class takes a constructor parameters pass them in the Props call
6class MyActor(n: Int) extends Actor { // added parameters
def receive: Recevie = {
case CustomMessageType => // do somethong
case received: AnotherMessageType => received.message // do something
8object CounterTest(n) extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("FirstSystem")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor], 10)) // added value
actor ! CustomMessageType
actor ! AnotherMessageType
Counting Example
Actors - Counting Example
- Create an Actor class that counts down from 20 as fast as it can
- Send the actor a Start message to start the countdown
- Start is a case object
- We’ll create 3 of these actors and watch them count down concurrently
- 4 different message types
- All are case objects
4case object Start
case object IsDone
case object Done
case object NotDone
- All are case objects
- Start - Tells a Counter to start its countdown
- IsDone - Sent to Counter to ask it it’s done or not
- Done - Sent from Counter to indicate that it is done counting
- NotDone - Sent from Counter to indicate that it is not done counting
1 | class Counter(name: String) extends Actor { |
- We define actors just like any other class
- Can have constructor, variables, methods
- This class:
- Takes a String in the constructor
- Initializes a variable n to 0
- Has a countDown method to start a countdown and print the progess along the way
- Since we extend Actor, we must implement Receive
- Use case syntax to react differently to different message types
- Whenever this actor receives a message of type Start, it resets its counter to 20 and starts a countdown
- To use the Actor we'll create 3 objects of this type with different names - Send each Actor the Start message so they count down
1 | class Counter(name: String) extends Actor { |
1 | obejct CounterTest extends App { |
- All three counters count down concurrently
- No way to know which will finish first
Actors - Counting Example
- Let’s create another Actor that will communicate with the three counters
- This actor will “ask” each counter if it’s done or not
- Once all counters are done, it will print a message to the screen
1 | class Supervisor(counters: List[ActorRef]) extends Actor { |
- Use the ActorRef class to send messages to other actors
- sender() returns the ActorRef of the sender of a message
- Add the supervisor to the system and have it update twice per second
- Use a scheduler to repeatedly send a message
15obejct CounterTest extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("CountingSystem")
val one = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Counter], "1"))
val two = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Counter], "2"))
val three = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Counter], "3"))
val supervisor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Supervisor], List(one, two, three))) // Added supervisor
one ! Start
two ! Start
three ! Start
system.scheduler.schedule(0.milliseconds, 500.milliseconds, supervisor, Update)
Lecture Question
Create an Actor class that tracks a single Int
- In a package named actors create a class named StringActor that extends Actor
- Create the following case class/objects that will be used as messages
- A case class named
that takes a String in its constructor - A case object named
- A case class named
that takes a String in its constructor
- A case class named
- The StringActor class must:
- Take a String in its constructor. This will be the initial String that it will store
- When it receives an
message, append its value to the end of the currently stored String - When it receives a
message, sends its current value back to the sender in a Value message
No test:)
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