actors again!
Stock Trader Example
- Simulate stock changing prices and a trader purchasing stocks
- Stock
- Receives a Tick message and changes its price
- Price changes are random for this simulation
- Tick messages are sent to all stocks at regular intervals
- Receives a GetPrice message and responds with its current price
- Receives a Tick message and changes its price
- Trader
- Knows each stock’s ticker symbol and actor reference
- Receives a CheckStocks message and checks the price of all known stocks
- Receives Price messages from stocks and decides [randomly] whether or not buy some shares
To the Code
Traffic Example
- Intersections
- North / South road intersects with an East / West road
- Initially Green light East / West
- Alternate green light at a fixed interval
- Cars
- Have a List of directions to follow
- Each direction has:
- A destination Intersection
- The time it takes to each that Intersection
- Whether the intersection will be approached from the East / West or North / South
- When a car approaches an intersection:
- Inform the Intersection
- Intersection gives the GreenLight for the car to go
- If the light is red, the Intersection will wait until it’s green before sending the GreenLight message
- When a car receives a GreenLight message
- Proceed to next Intersection in the direction list
Delayed Messages
- There are two cases where we’ll have message that need to be sent with a delay
- Intersections changing lights at fixed intervals
- Cars waiting the appropriate amount of time before checking an intersection for a green light
- Similar syntax as repeatedly sending a message (Supervisor example)
- Use scheduleOnce
7import context.dispatcher
// ...
- Must import the dispatcher from inside the Actor’s class
- Speccify:
- The time delay
- The recipient
- self contains an ActorRef to this actor
- The message to be sent
Actors Creating Actors
- this.context can be used to add new actors to the system
- Use the same “actorOf” syntax as used when adding actors using the system directly
To the Code
Lecture Question
Create and test an actor class to set and sound an alarm
- In a package named actors, create a class named AlarmActor that extends Actor
- Create the following case class in the actors package that will be used as messages
- A case class named
that takes a Double and a String in its constructor - A case class named
that takes a String in its constructor
- A case class named
- The AlarmActor class must respond to messages of type SetAlarm by:
- Interpreting the Double as the number of seconds to wait before sounding the alarm
- When the alarm “sounds” send an Alarm message back to the actor that sent the SetAlarm message containing the same String that was in the SetAlarm message
Write a test suite named tests.TestAlarmActor to test this functionality
No test after this LQ!!!!
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